Diving on the Great Barrier Reef

Blue Starfish, originally uploaded by RobK.

Not too bad for a $12 disposable camera and $3 digital-only developing on PhotoWorks.

[Full set]

Around the world trip – Christmas 2008

Opera House, originally uploaded by RobK.

Around the world in ~3 weeks over Christmas.

London-Singapore-Sydney-Cairns-Auckland-Hong Kong-Tokyo-New York-London

[Entire set]

Vacation in St John USVI

IMG_1618, originally uploaded by RobK.

I took a short little vacation while I was down in Miami…


Freshly repainted Blazer

Freshly repainted, originally uploaded by RobK.

1972 Chevy Blazer, freshly repainted from the old beater it was before

Full set

Vacation in Morocco

IMG_0626, originally uploaded by RobK.

These oranges were disturbingly bitter, like lemons.

Full set

Hiking in New Mexico

IMG_1367, originally uploaded by RobK.



IMG_0626, originally uploaded by RobK.

We spent a week on vacation in Morocco this month.
